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​박다진 Head of Singapore

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Rare disease patient access : Funding for rare disease

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Global funding for rare diseases, including neurofibromatosis (NF), is supported by government agencies, private companies, and nonprofits, with key contributors like the NIH, European Commission, and various national foundations. In South Korea, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) leads efforts to support NF research, focusing on collaborative and innovative treatment approaches.



2006 ~ 2009 Graduate School of Public health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
PhD in Health Economics (Thesis : Impact of drug pricing policies on pharmaceutical industry in Korea)
2003 ~ 2004 Graduate School of Public health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
M.A. in Health Policy and Management (Thesis: Effect of Capitation and Global Budget System on Healthcare Utilization)
1998 ~ 2003 Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
Bsc. in Economics

Career & Experience

2023~ Current MARKET ACCESS LEAD Astrazeneca, Singapore
• Develop and execute Astrazeneca value assets’ market access strategies aligned with brand plans and regional/global guidance leading cross functional collaboration and interacting with the government and external stakeholders.
• Maximize market opportunities with tailored channel strategies including CDL listing with company led HTA submission for public reimbursement of oncology drugs, private market access strategy, portfolio optimization contracting.
• Drive improvement of patient access in Singapore with patient support programs and patient assistant programs, adhering to local compliance, legal and regulatory guidance addressing market dynamics and areas of needs for patient affordability and accessibility.
• Lead strategy development and communication for alliance partners, managing conflicts with Astrazeneca brands through strategic positioning, synergy opportunities, comprehensive analysis, and strong communication skills.
• Build team capabilities in market access by leveraging expertise in HTA and intensive and up to date understanding of policies and regulations.
• Spearhead cross functional collaboration for product access, from market analysis for pricing strategy to stakeholder communication, aligning with regional/global guidance and brand plans. Manage government listing requirements to prioritize and strategize withing limited resources.
• Liaise market access related and healthcare financing policy changes and their impacts to internal stakeholders, providing interpretation and insights and optimizing execution plans to achieve goals.
• Lead industrial collaborative activities to shape more favourable access environment leveraging experiences in pharma and other countries and expertise on healthcare system and HTA with stakeholder engagement and negotiation skillset.
• Excel in managing tender and other access data maintenance systems, ensuring timely and accurate updates.
• Promote the culture of ethics, integrity and compliance in access business practices. Ensure full accountability for effective oversight and transparent price and access information management including SOP and Working Instruction revisions.
2023~ Current Head of Singapore RetiMark Co., Singapore
• Strategic Planning & Business Development: Developed and implemented comprehensive business strategic plans for RetiMark, ensuring alignment with the company's vision and goals. Identified and pursued new business opportunities, leveraging market trends and competition analysis to drive growth in the Asian market. Established and nurtured relationships with potential partners and stakeholders, adhering to RetiMark’s strategic direction and goals.
• Partnership & Relations Management: Built and maintained strong partnerships with other companies and organizations, negotiating strategic agreements and fostering collaborative opportunities. Managed partnership affairs with a holistic approach, ensuring mutually beneficial relationships and aligning with RetiMark’s overall strategy.
• Operations Management: Oversaw day-to-day operations of RetiMark SG, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in all processes. Coordinated with RetiMark Korea to align operational activities and financial aspects, including budgeting, forecasting, and cost control.
• Product/Project Management: Managed the development and launch of new products, collaborating with the R&D team to ensure compliance with market needs and regulatory requirements. Analyzed market trends and competitor activities to develop competitive strategies and coordinate with RetiMark Korea on R&D and business development.
• Team Management: Led and motivated a team of professionals, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Set clear goals and objectives for the department, ensuring alignment with the overall company strategy and representing the department in company-wide meetings.
• Regulatory Compliance: Ensured compliance with local regulations and laws, managing risks associated with business operations in Singapore and aligning with RetiMark’s compliance requirements.
• Drive improvement in access strategies to change gear for maximum patient access to assets with tailored models aligned to regional/global business plans considering market archetype, business dynamics/potential and healthcare systems.
• Lead market access initiatives to ensure access wins and maximize opportunities in the markets; Achieved to obtain 9 key brands (SDL/MAF) listing within 24 months in Singapore, Leveraged Emerging Market Brand launch and succeeded to get multiple gov. reimbursements and tender wins with strategy excellence in Asia Emerging Market countries.
• Optimize access strategies to maximize brand value reflecting product life cycle and competition/ health system change within a timely manner aligning to the global/regional imperatives.
• Shared market specified access archetype and requirement for better access deliverables in each market to region and global team with business analytics and interpretations for the market environment and healthcare and policy landscape.
• Endeavor external stakeholder engagement to build trustful partnership and shape favorable environment for value assets expanding the range of stakeholders with multiple innovative initiatives.
• Provide guidance and suitable access solutions for optimum in business managing pricing information system and internal SOPs/ guidelines to win with the right way in access and providing healthcare policy and market trend and change with impact to the business on time.
• Develop capabilities and core competencies embedding access mind set with direct interactions to the markets by
workshops, coaching training sessions for better understanding of role of access, HTA and evidence utilization, external environment change, regional/global access initiatives. • Set forth and tackle the opinion for more favorable healthcare environment leveraging diverse experiences and expertise in HTA/healthcare policy at the internal and external collaborative settings.
• Secure Access department operational excellence with stable, agile, capable and compliant team set up and enhance department capabilities and performance to maximize the contribution on the business under fast evolving and challenging environment.
• Provide strategic inputs to set up and develop market access organization reflecting localized go-to-market strategies as such traditional local direct business, distribution model, hybrid partnership models to each territory.
• Manage multiple external risks aligned to global/regional guidance for business sustainability by dealing with COVID 19, political issues in Myanmar and Sri Lanka and ethics and compliance issues in clusters countries.
• Developed and executed access strategies and tactics for all biopharma portfolio aligned to business plan throughout product life cycle and market archetype.
• Led government communications and negotiations with quality HTA dossier and evidence generation and delivery to maximize business growth with value proposition of the products leveraging strategic pricing proposals.
• Access wins in government submissions across therapeutic areas including CV, Oncology, Rare Diseases, Specialty Cares, Immunology and infections with customized strategies to be listed in SDL/MAF.
• Managing internal/external stakeholder engagement for environment shaping with regional/global best practice experience sharing and building partnerships between government and company/industry: Pneumococcal Vaccination Government subsidy with new delivery model partnering CHAS GPs under NCIS/NAIS, SCT policy shaping with the gov. – academia – Pfizer HQ/SG, etc.
• Lead market access and pricing projects delivering analytics and diagnosis and providing optimal recommendations: Innovative access tool delivery, Biopharma trade excellence & analytics e-platform, SG price data base creation, SG Pricing SOP development, Patient access & Bold move project, etc.
• Leading local and regional Access and HTA capability enhancement: active participation in Gov-Industry partnership for HTA introduction and national guideline development in Singapore, Access and HTA workshops and trainings for commercials and finances in Singapore
• Regional assignment in EM Asia HTA connection: Provide training sessions for EM Asia access exchange program on HTA strategy development, government negotiation and new access models (RSA/MEA/PVA/MCDA/Rare Disease specified access models beyond traditional HTA) to EM Asia HTA network and community of practice leadership, etc.
• Newly set up Market Access department asdeveloping core competencies, establishing operational structures and embedding access mindset in Pfizer Singapore.
• Led access initiatives to maximize business opportunity and mitigate negative risks; Access strategy development with cross functional/global collaboration, Execution of access strategies with innovative, holistic and efficient
approaches, Articulate communication with both government/external KOLs and BU/global and regional team to resolve current issues and prepare upcoming challenges. • Shaped environment for the fundamental changes towards better atmosphere by leading changes through clear understanding of issues and suggestion of alternatives and partnership building activities with government and academia and within the industry.
• Managed 15+ access team to be stable and be operated efficiently by encouraging team to maximize their competence in works and priority setting among initiatives to achieve the best result of tasks.
• Access research and innovative reach-out platform development: HTA and pricing model development with innovative, multi-dimensional approaches and accepted in the government as the new standard in various TAs under government new directives, Facilitating global/regional/local Strategic planning workshops with market access and commercial teams, Several CEA and BIM modeling and publications, etc.
• Provided lectures industry-government-academia conferences, seminars, symposia and leadership conversations, Shared experience and guide how to prepare fornew healthcarepolicy (HTA, RSA, Universal Healthcare System, etc) for other countries as such Japan, Hungary, Israel and Singapore HTA introduction, Indonesia and Thailand Universal healthcare expansion, Malaysia and Philippines tender market improvement, etc.
• Key achievements: Win-win negotiation for the biggest budget of national vaccination program in pneumococcal vaccine with innovative approaches meeting all stakeholder’s need and maximizing business growth. First personalized onco product launch with holistic approaches from evidence generation to environment shaping with government partnering to introduce new P&R pathway (RSA) in Korea. Innovative negotiation wins in vaccine negotiation with KCDC, GPO and MOH in public sector and private insurers and health screening companies in private sectors. Successful smoking cessation policy change including new law registration, multiple partnerships and deals with tailored strategies for target groups (inpatient group, patients in specific hospitals, cancer patients, military, newly married young couples, multi generation families, etc.) to maximize access.
INTERIM HEALTH AND VALUE LEAD (2016 ~ 2017) Pfizer, Korea
• Acting director of Health and Value division in Corporate Affairs / Health and Value department.
• Pricing & reimbursement, healtheconomics, external communication and Industrial collaboration for access environment shaping.
• Participated in company-wide forums as the representative of Health and Value ensuring alignment with internal and external country strategies.
• Represented Pfizer Korea at the industrial collaborative activities and other external affairs on Access and OR/RWD.
• Managed HTA and Outcomes Research projects with both in-house modelling and external investigator engagements for all related therapeutic areas.
• Global model localization with cross-functional local team and regional/global teams (TAs: Infection, Respiratory, Vaccine, CV, metabolic and so on).
• Led outcomes research to maximize opportunity and manage risks in business with external partnership with medical societies and various government agencies.
• Communication with global team proactively to get support and share the result as a best practice.
• Committed to the industrial collaboration to shape and improve HTA environment.
• Taking the lead of Government-Industry working group as a member of industry task force team for revision of national HTA guideline and improvement of new drug price negotiation.
• Key Achievements: Development of internal guidance for access evidence generation and dissemination, new partnerships with medical societies and academia for vaccine evidence generation and its utilization for National Vaccine Program.
2006 ~ 2010 PRICING/REIMBURSEMENT AND HTA MANAGER Sanofi Aventis /Handok, Korea
• Developed specified access strategies regarding value of new drugs in various therapeutic areas (respiratory, metabolic, infection, rare disease, etc) with related evidence generation through key stakeholder engagement.
• Developed all requirements aligned with access strategies under brand plan including HTA evidence.
• Had a role as facilitator between companies regarding license in/out contract as well as government engagement.
• Communicated with all related bodies including national health authorities and physicians, HTA experts, patient advocacy group, etc.
• Set up new organization to prepare for environmental change with interpretation and sharing the impact of new drug pricing policy to company and making efforts to restructure organization in terms of preparation for government’s new initiatives.
• Key Achievements: Listed a product with the first HTA based gov. negotiation, local evidence generation for all patients in Korea to have clinical data and get reimbursement of a costly rare disease treatment. Committed to the first gov.-industry working group regarding new policy introduction and implementation.
2004 ~ 2006 RESEARCHER National Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), Korea
• Supported HTA and positive list system introduction in Korea; focused on other countries system review.
• Analyzed healthcare utilization for elderly care and Medicaid using national health insurance claims data.
• Prepared data for revision of medical law; focused on the healthcare delivery system.
• Cooperated with MOHW for insurance review unification, health acts revision, and appeal system in social security system.
• Developed new criteria for classification and evaluation of medical institutions.
• Researched on the administrative appeal system in the social insurance sector throughout the world.
• Developed evaluation tools for medical institutions and special hospitals.
• Conducted an analysis of human resource investment for Korea healthcare system from the OECD perspective.
• Collected information and built up a networking group in Korea healthcare system.
• Prepared establishment of HTA academia society with related parties and government agencies.
2003 ~ 2004 RESEARCHER Graduate School of Public health, Seoul National University, Korea
• Conducted Pharmaco Economics analysis with several products from international pharmaceutical companies.
• Conducted healthcare econometric and statistical researches with the government; OECD health data report on Korean session, Research on introduction of long term care insurance in Korea, Policy Researches on Physician reimbursement system in Korea (Preliminary study for new reimbursement system (KDRF) introduction, Development of standard of national healthcare cost in Korea.

이승아 회장

Session 4_edited.jpg

Prospective opinion to say from NF2 patient’s association to doctors and development companies.

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Future direction of our patient association and explore ways to actively collaborate and support these new treatments in the hope of finding a cure for NF2.

NF2 환우회


단국대학교 문화예술대학원 석사
동서대학교 뮤지컬 학사
신라대학교 서양화 학사​
전석복지재단 표창
해운대 장애인자립센터 표창
사단법인 부산장애인종합문화예술 지원협회‘감’대표이사
장애인 예술 전문강사
대구예술대학교 실용무용과 외래교수
대구예술대학교 뮤지컬과 외래교수
부산여자 여자대학교 아동스포츠과 외래교수


2024.10 음악극 “너는 소중하단다” 총연출
2023.12 고성예술학교 페스티벌 거류초등학교 영어뮤지컬연출
2019.10 창작뮤지컬 '카페 D' 총제작(연출/안무/대본/가사)
2018. 4 부산 중증장애인 드림패스티벌 총연출
2016.10 부산 중증장애인 드림패스티벌 총연출
2016. 5 어린이날 기념 행사. 가족 뮤지컬 '엄마 아빠 사랑해' 연출
2015.11 해운대 장애인 자립센타 '드림 패스티벌' 연출
2015. 9 제주 국제 장애인 연극제 '아름다운 사인' 연출
2015. 4 장애인식 개선 뮤지컬 '내 친구 별이' 연출/안무/대본
2012. 1 뮤지컬 갈라 콘서트 '꿈과 사랑'
2009.12 펠리체 아이들에게 사랑과 꿈을 주다’ 연출, 안무
2009. 4 남성 중창단 펠리체 2회 정기연주 연출, 안무, 극작
2008.10‘여자 그리고... 열정’ 뮤지컬, 플라맹코, 대중가요, 연극의 만남
2008. 9 Posdata 기업행사 ‘RUN TOGETHER 연출, 극작
2008. 6 창작 뮤지컬 ‘I Have a Dream’ 연출, 극작
2008.10 웨스트엔드 보컬 코치에게 뮤지컬배우과정 수료
2008. 3 창작 뮤지컬 미니 콘서트 I Have a Dream 연출
2007. 9 웨스트엔드, 음악감독 Najell Lili 뮤지컬마스터과정, 뮤지컬배우과정 수료
2007. 5 대구 시립합창단 97회 정기 연주 연출, 안무, 드라마 구성, 연기 지도
2007. 4 뮤지컬 ‘PAINTED LOVE’ 제작 연출, 출연
2007. 3 남성중창단 펠리체 1회정기 연주 연출,안무
2007. 1 창작 뮤지컬 ‘어린 왕자’ 연출, 안무, 극작
2006.12 뮤지컬 '꿈꾸는 카페' 연출, 출연
2006.11 오페라 ‘라보엠’ 연기 지도
2006.10 창작 노인뮤지컬 'SING'IN IN THE SILVER' 연출, 안무, 극작
2006. 6 오페라 ‘사랑의 묘약’ 연기 지도
2006. 5 Good Friend ‘어린이에게 꿈과 희망을’ 기획 공연 연출
2005.10 대구 국제 무용페스티발 이화석댄스 프로젝트 안무지도
2005. 8 바리바리 촘촘 디딤새 2005 ’추현주’
대본, 음악, 조명 ,의상, 안무구성, 소품, 지도

2005.12 전석 복지제단 공연 '영화속의 춤' 안무, 전체구성, 출연, 극작
2005.12 구미 시립합창단 브로드웨이 갈라 콘서트 안무
2005. 6 제 25회 서울무용제「광화문 댄스페스티발」안무, 의상, 음악, 대본, 연출
2004. 8 대구 유니버시아드대회 축하 무용공연 지도, 안무
2004. 8 Pour Scene ‘무대를 위하여’ 어린이 뮤지컬 플레이
2004. 5 마산 전국 생활 체육대회 축하공연 대본,음악,전체지도,의상,안무구성

김영옥 연구원장

Session 1_edited.jpg

Our country's pharmaceutical approval system

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K 바이오전략연구원

Medicines are developed to prevent, diagnose, alleviate, and treat human diseases. We will examine the history and current status of their development and raise awareness of the internationally harmonized pharmaceutical approval system to support rapid new drug development and enhance patients' access to treatment.


1981.03 ~ 1985.02
원광대학교 약학 학사
1985.03 ~ 1987.02 원광대학교 위생약학(면역독성) 석사
1995.03 ~ 1999.02 원광대학교 위생약학(면역독성) 박사
1978.03 ~ 1981.01 청주고등학교


Career & Experience

2021.5 ~ 2023.11.27 한국보건산업진흥원 기획이사 업무총괄
2018.12 ~ 2021.01 식품의약품안전처 의약품안전국장 의약품정책, 총괄
2018.02 ~ 2018.12 식품의약품안전처 바이오생약국장
바이오의약품, 화장품의약외품, 생약 정책총괄
2015.02 ~ 2018.12 식품의약품안전처 바이오의약품정책과장 바이오정책총괄
2012.02 ~ 2015.02 식품의약품안전처 화장품정책과장 화장품정책총괄
2010.03 ~ 식품의약품안전청 임상제도과장 임상정책총괄
2009.04 ~ 2010.03 식품의약품안전청 심사과학과장 심사지원, 연구
2007.10 ~ 2009.04 식품의약품안전청 품질동등성평가팀장 제네릭 심사
1998.01 ~ 2007.10 식품의약품안전본부 면역독성과 의약외품과 의약품규격과 연구관
의약품 의약외품 화장품 심사
2017.04 ~ 2019.03 보건복지부 건보전문평가위원 급여평가
2023.09 ~ 2004.06 둥국대학교 식품의료제품규제정책대학원 겸임교수 강의
2015.03 ~ 2017.02  충북대학교 약학대학 겸임교수 강의
2010.04 ~ 2011.06 서울대학교 의과대학 초빙교수 강의
2001.03 ~ 2004.02 상명대학교 공업화학과 겸임교수 강의


의약품의 제형(정제) 2014 도서출판신일북스
화장품의 이해 2006 도서출판 풍남 생활속의 자외선
2002 화장품신문사


1993.04.07 장관표창 보건사회부 보건산업유공
1997.12.31 모범공무원 국무총리 모범공무원표창
2005.12.31 국무총리표창 식약청 우수공무원
2014.11.13 대통령표창 안전행정부 오송뷰티박람회
2021.12.31 홍조근정훈장 행정안전부 퇴직공무원

​변성훈 부사장

Session 1_edited.png

Global Rare Disease Development Trend and Competitive Landscape

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The development of rare disease treatments is increasingly influential in global healthcare, driven by key advancements in research and supportive regulatory frameworks. This overview highlights market dynamics and emphasizes the need for continued investment to ensure these innovations benefit patients worldwide.

미리어드 생명과학(주)


2000 ~ 2006
연세대학교 의공학과 학사
2021 ~ 2021
카이스트 바이오헬스 최고위혁신과정
2022 ~ 2023
연세대학교 경영대학원 Executive MBA 석사


17.08 미리어드 생명과학 l 사업 총괄 부사장 Chief Business Officer) Officer), C o Founder
●혁신신약 가치평가, 바이오텍 기술성평가 및 상장 자문 등 S trategic Advisory 다수 수행
●M&A, S trategic I nvestment, 라이센싱 등 T ransaction Advisory 다수 수행
●기획창업 포함 초기 바이오텍 투자 및 Acceleratio n 추진 등

15.01 17.0 6 딜로이트 컨설팅 l 전략부문 팀장 
●국내 대기업 중장기 헬스케어 사업전략 수립
●범부처신약개발사업단, 항암사업단 등 신약개발 지원사업단 성과관리 로드맵 수립
●국내 다수 제약사 글로벌 라이센싱 계약체결 자문
●글로벌 기업 Strategic Sourcing 전략 수립 등

12.11~ 14.12 LG 전자l 본사 전략기획실 CEO Staff ( 헬스케어 담당
●LGLG전자 및 그룹 • 계열사 헬스케어 사업 기획 및 개발
●헬스케어 R&D 포트폴리오 성과 관리
●글로벌 헬스케어 기업 간 전략적 제휴 등 사업개발 담당 등

11.04~12.10 셀트리온 헬스케어 l 글로벌 사업개발 팀장
●글로벌 사업개발 라이센싱) 계약 다수 추진 및 관리
●cGMP 생산계획 수립 및 CMO 계약 추진
●Trastuzumab Infliximab 허가전략 및 시장 출시전략 수립 등

06.10 ~11.03 B io Rad l 아시아태평양 본사 P roduct Manager
●미생물학, 면역학, 자가면역학 제품 담당 마케팅
●Bioplex2200 사업 글로벌 론칭 등


●제약 • 바이오 분야 전략자문 프로젝트 150150개+ 수행 경험 보유u
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